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  1. Wikipedia: Offa's Dyke
    Offa's Dyke. . . is a large linear earthwork that roughly follows the current border between England and Wales. The structure is named after Offa, the 8th-century king of Mercia, who is traditionally believed to have ordered its construction. Although its precise original purpose is debated, it delineated the border between Anglian Mercia and the Welsh kingdom of Powys.

    The Dyke, which was up to 65 feet (20 m) wide (including its flanking ditch) and 8 feet (2.4 m) high, traversed low ground, hills and rivers. [ . . . ]

    [ . . . ] It had a ditch on the Welsh (western) side, with the displaced soil piled into a bank on the Mercian (eastern) side. This suggests that Mercians constructed it as a defensive earthwork, or to demonstrate the power and intent of their kingdom.

    Schematic cross-section of Offa's Dyke, showing the design intended to protect Mercia against attacks from Powys.

    The cross-section of Offa's Dyke forms a unit sine wave made up of the high and low halves, which are respectively analogous to the upgraded dlke and the downgraded ditch. How confusing confusing both is, as defined in Wiktionary: dyke!
  1. The generally accepted theory about much of the earthwork attributes its construction to Offa, King of Mercia from 757 to 796. The structure did not represent a mutually agreed boundary between the Mercians and the Kingdom of Powys. It had a ditch on the Welsh (western) side, with the displaced soil piled into a bank on the Mercian (eastern) side. This suggests that Mercians constructed it as a defensive earthwork, or to demonstrate the power and intent of their kingdom.

    Wikipedia: Offa's Dyke

    Offa's Dyke runs roughly along the current border between Wales and England. It was designed in the 8th century to prevent Powys from attacking Mercia. The dyke has two sides. The western (Powys) side is a sump, while the eastern (Mercia) side is a hump, as contrasted between a ditch and a bank in the above quotation. To have ditch differ from dike is to have sump differ from hump, while both go hand in hand. Confusing ditch into dike is confusing sump into hump, so confusingly hence so implausibly, collapsing the sine wave! It sounds wise to have Deich differ from Teich. So it does to have dike differ from ditch.



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